Harmonised Transparency Template

The Harmonised Transparency Template (HTT) is the worldwide standardised, Excel-based form that issuers who have been granted the Covered Bond Label use to disclose information on their covered bond programs. Definitions and format of the disclosed information are standardised to increase comparability and transparency between issuers and between jurisdictions. Standardisation facilitates investors’ due diligence, enhancing overall transparency in the Covered Bonds market. The HTT, designed to be fully compliant with art 129(7) CRR transparency requirements, and, starting from 8 July 2022, fully compliant with Art 14 of the Covered Bond Directive, undergoes constant review, stirred by the Covered Bond Label & Advisory committees, so to be always up-to-date with regulatory and market requirements. Additional country-specific information on the covered bond programs can be found in the National Transparency Templates often included in the HTT.

All issuers showing the HTT badge have published their latest HTT no earlier than 4 months ago

Against the background starting from 10 September 2024 the Final version of the HTT 2025 has been approved and published on the Covered Bond Label Website. The HTT 2025 has now entered a phase-in period until cut-off date 30 March 2025 during which issuers can use either HTT 2025 or HTT 2024. Starting from cut-off date 30 March 2025 only HTT 2025 will allowed in order to be Covered Bond Label compliant. 


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